is neither a book review nor an analysis.
This is a strictly a plug for a fun book written by a frequent visitor
to this blog.
I was traveling last week and in my personal time while not working, I grew a
little tired from Dante’s Paradisio and flipped through my Kindle and came to a
recent purchase of a lighter read. One
gets mentally exhausted traveling, going through tedious engineering meetings,
and reading complicated literature. A
mental break was in order for something less stressing and recreative.
on my Kindle was Victor Moubarak’s book.
You may know Victor (the Victor I call Victor M. since there is another
frequent visitor also named Victor) from his comments here or from his own
blog, Time For Reflections. It’s a fun blog and I stop there frequently
myself. On Victor’s blog he occasionally
tells tales of a certain Father Ignatius.
He also has a short story collection pertaining to Fr. Ignatius’s
activities and adventures, The Adventures
of Father Ignatius, which I also own.
Between the short stories and the
blog posts, I had come to the conclusion early on that Victor was an actual priest
and that he was writing from experience because he writes so convincingly. Well, I found out he isn’t; he’s married with
children. But he has an incredible
insight into priestly life and experience (I don’t know how).
recently wrote a full novel, The Priest
and the Prostitute, with the Fr. Ignatius character, and when it came to my
attention I quickly bought it off Amazon as a Kindle ebook. So I read it this past week to get a mental
break and I couldn’t put it down. What a
fun book, though the situation for Fr. Ignatius isn’t so fun since he’s accused
of murdering a prostitute. Here’s a
short section, from the beginning of Chapter 4.
Three months on and
Father Igantius had truly settled at St. Vincent. His original apprehension that returning was
perhaps an unwise move had all but faded away.
It’s surprising how quickly one settles back to an old routine when
feeling comfortable and at peace with oneself.
He celebrated Mass each
morning at eight, visited the homeless shelter twice a week, spent most
afternoons dealing with paperwork or visiting the sick at the hospital or at
home, or going one or two parishioners temporarily in jail. And every Friday evening he sat by the log
fire in the large room listening to Verdi in company with Sister Martha who too
had fallen back into the old routine of calling on him on her way to the
One fresh late-August
evening Father Ignatius arrived at St. Vincent at about nine o’clock just as it
was getting a little darker. He got out
of the car and was on his way towards Parish House when he was approached by a
blonde woman in her late thirties who’d just walked out of the church and made
her towards him. He was surprised that
the church was still open at this hour and he made a mental note to lock up
before he got into the house.
“Hello Father Ignatius,”
said the woman as she stopped some four feet away.

“Don’t you remember me
Father?” she said eventually, “I’m Joanna!”
“Oh yes, hello!” he
heard himself mutter.
Joanna was an
occasional visitor to the church on Sundays many years ago. She was politely known as a lady of the
night, and made no secret of the fact.
Many surmised that most gentlemen of the parish had at one time or
another been entertained by Joanna.
Indeed she had confessed her sin many a time to Father Ignatius although
she never named names.
“Just hello,” she said,
“No hug?”
“I remember what
happened the last time Judas hugges someone,” said Father Igantius and
regretted saying it almost immediately.
going to stop there, because that’s a really good hook. Isn’t that enticing? The characters are idiosyncratically
charming, and you really feel for Fr. Ignatius’ predicament. Set in a North England town, presumably one where Victor lives, and though I’ve never traveled there it felt very
immediate. He captures it well I think.
who apparently has skills in various media has put together a little video to advertise
the book.
can get it at Amazon, and the Kindle version is only $4 at the
American site. It’s worth it. It’s not high literature like I normally
read, but I really enjoyed it.
Thank you so much Manny for this lovely and generous representation of my book. You are so kind and I appreciate your encouragement and support.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason it is not high literature is because I sit on a low chair whilst typing at the keyboard. I tried a bar stool once and fell off many times.
God bless you and your family my friend.
Oh I just told the truth. It's a good book. You should be proud of your work.
DeleteManny, Manny, Manny....although you are a frequent visitor, and say nice things once-in-awhile, you've never said my blog was fun. My blog is fun.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a good read, Victor SE!
Your blog is fun. I've just never had the occasion. I think I've said you're a funny lady, at least at your blog.
DeleteWhow Manny! I don't believe "IT" I'm your friend and Victor M. is just a frequent visitor to this blog?... Manny! Manny! Manny! you've got to stop all this honest flattery before sinner vic starts to believe that maybe you're also one of their brotherly
ReplyDeleteAll kidding aside Manny! About an hour ago, "I", "I" mean sinner vic had written an honest comments about this post and long story short, i was kind of pleased with what was written but when i tried to send it in, i was well over your allowed four thousand sum word characters... as a matter of fact, i felt that it was so good that there's no way that i was going to shorten it so i added probably twice as much more to it... i talked about some of the problems here in Canada with not having an official law yet for our ladies of the night and of course sinner vic defended them...
Tell me how i could stop sinner vic from taking a tantrum just because he believes that "Jesus" doesn't really exist and he even bossed having saved some of your gene cells when they got sick on a plane and to top it off he thinks that he's a vic car, i mean believes that he's a vicar of... "NEVER MINE"...
he also spoke about:
he closed or should i say that i Victor told him to BE NICE when he started to talk about how as god, he got our now Prime Minister elected and he even rubbed it in that he was very friendly with your let us say, your United States of America
The last straw came when sinner vic started to say that four out of six of our grand children who live in OTTAWA were truly involved in various school closing because of a tragic shooting which probably affected my writing...
I finally closed sinner vic's very long comment with this song below:
I then quietly said "Thank YOU GOD" but never got any further cause my computer screen completely turned green and longer story shorter, "IT" was all lost...
I told my wife, prayed The Rosary and then started all over again with this little piece... so here goes...
God Bless you, yours and all your readers
OK! Try again! :)
P.S. Tell Victor M. that I've received this book a couple of days ago and I'm not sure that I'll read it because who knows... if "I" do sinner vic might start flying off somewhere. :)
Yours Sincerely
Mr. Victor Savard
What a great version of How Great Thou Art. Why did you sign in as anonymous and not use your name? Forget to log in? My prayers for Canada and that soldier and his family.
DeleteThank you Manny for the warm comment about the song but especially for the kindness toward Canada soldier and his family... as for why I did not sign in the way I usually do... long story short... let's just say that I'm still not able to sign into your google account since my new computer crashed... Google says that I'm having cookies problems and told me how to fix it... longer story shorter... I'm wondering if it is not Google, Firefox and Explorer who are really fighting over my cookies? ;)
ReplyDeleteI hear YA! Are you sure that it is not really just sinner vic who is being stubborn and simply won't co-operate?
Go Figure Man LOL ;)
God Bless you Manny
Oh try Chrome. Everything seems to work better in Chrome. Now that I think of it, my friend Sue also says she can't log in and has to use Anonymous for the same reason.
DeleteI do have Chrome also... long story short, one of our grandchildren who goes to college says that I'm creating my own problems and longer story shorter, I should only be using Firefox cause their cookies taste better... Go figure! lol