"Love follows knowledge."
"Beauty above all beauty!"
– St. Catherine of Siena

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Personal Note: Tiger Is Nine

Today is not actually Tiger’s birthday.  May 14th was the day nine years ago we found him. But when we took him to the vet, they estimated he was five weeks old, so the actual day we celebrate his birthday is April 9th.  So on April 9th Tiger turned nine, but I forgot to post then.  But given we have an adoption day, I have a fallback position of posting today.  I’m going to share some recent pictures of our sneaky little cat.  He always looks like he’s plotting something.

Here he is inside Matthew’s school knapsack.


He’s always jumping on top of one of us.  Here he is on top of my chest, as best as I can take the picture.


On top of Rochelle.

And here I captured him in Matthew’s bed.

If you remember I had a post some nine years ago where Tiger would sleep beside Matthew.  Matthew has grown quite a bit in nine years.

Truth be told, he's a wonderful affectionate cat.  Finally, his close up.

What catnipulation (yes, there is such a word) is going through his mind?



  1. Awww that was a sweet post. It’s interesting that you refer to a backpack as a knapsack- valderi, valdera !

    1. We say both here in the east. I'm used to knapsack. Others say backpack. But you know not everyone wears it in the back. Some wear it in the front. Actually my son carries two, one for books and one for sports gear. He wears one in the back and one in the front at the same time! Thanks Jan.

  2. What a lovely cat. Happy Birthday to him and thanks for all the joy he brought you.

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    God bless you and your family always.
