"Love follows knowledge."
"Beauty above all beauty!"
– St. Catherine of Siena

Monday, September 1, 2014

Matthew Monday: Fifth Birthday

Normally the Matthew Monday posts come out in the morning but I’m squeezing this in this evening because today was Matthew’s fifth birthday.  This morning Matthew woke me up as usual on days I’m home (the Labor Day holiday today) by coming over to my bedside.  As I opened my eyes, his first words were, “I’m five years old.”  I guess he remembered his mother’s last words from the evening before as he was put to bed when she said, “Go to sleep.  When you wake up you’ll be five years old.”  She said it as if there was some magic behind it.

 When I hugged Matthew this morning he felt warm, and sure enough he had a mild fever all day.  Even now as he’s been put to bed his fever is up.  But we had planned a little get-together birthday (mom, dad, the two grandmothers, an uncle) and he was well enough to have that.  Fever and all he was still energized, and he probably would have been uncontainable if he had not been slowed down with an abnormal temperature.

The theme for this year’s party was Batman!  He is absorbed in everything Batman.

We had Batman napkins and cake plates.

And my wife baked and decorated the Batcake!

Matthew blowing out the five distinct candles.

Holy smush, Batman.  He liked the Bat frosting.

He even got a few Batman oriented gifts, a Batcave set.

And a hood jacket that comes with a built in mask.

Perfect for a Halloween costume.


  1. Many Happy Returns Matthew. May you be always happy, healthy and loved.

    God bless you and your Mom and Dad.

  2. Happy, happy birthday!!!! I guess a little temperature increase can't stop the bat kid!! He must have had a lot of fun.

  3. Happy Birthday Matthew!!!


  4. Happy Birthday, Matthew! I hope you have many, many birthdays and all of them are happy ones!


  5. There really is magic in every child's "Fifth Birthday" and having parents like you and your wife only multiplies "The Joy of that Day" whether or not Matthew had a fever.

    Blessing to you Matthew on this Special Day and God willing, next year will be even better.

    God Bless you and yours Manny

  6. Happy Belated birthday to dear Matthew! I hope he is feeling all better, Just in time for school :)
