"Love follows knowledge."
"Beauty above all beauty!"
– St. Catherine of Siena

Friday, March 22, 2019

Movie: Unplanned

There is a new pro-life movie coming out.  Praise heaven the pro-life cause is becoming more frequent.  Maybe we’re winning the war despite the several states that have recently expanded the legalized killing of the innocent.  Perhaps they’re expanding because they fear the pro-life message. 

Last fall I advocated for the Gosnell movie.  You can refresh your memory of my three posts on the subject here

The new movie is the biographical conversion story of Abby Johnson, the superstar pro-abortion manager of a slaughter institution who upon seeing the ultrasound of an abortion in process, witnessed the fetus’s struggle to resist.  Let me expand on that.  It wasn’t just an ultrasound of a child in the womb.  It was an abortion procedure being performed under an ultrasound because the doctor required visual confirmation of his motions.  In that moment, watching the fetus pull away from the instruments of slaughter, Abby Johnson realized all the justifications she had been told and had bought into were all a lie.  It was a lie the fetus was a human being.  It was a lie, the fetus did feel pain.  It was a lie the procedure was harmless.  In that split second moment, Abby Johnson went from a pro-abortion stalwart to pro-life.  It is an amazing story.

Here is the movie trailer.

And here is a half hour documentary on the making of the movie.  Parts of this had me in tears.  It’s worth watching the entire thing.

I plan to see the movie.  I plan to pray for its success, because its success is spreading what moves the heart, what changes the culture, and what saves innocent children’s lives.  So for this Lent, I hope you will too,


  1. Hey Manny, my wife is not yelling at me to go somewhere right now so I'm not rushed at this time. LOL!

    There's so much that I want to say about this movie titled "UNPLANNED" and sinner vic would love to tell us (usual sinners) the danger that humanity faces if they don't change their ways. Long story short, I got a chance to listen to someone talking about this movie and I had decided at that moment that I would like to see "UNPLANNED" and my wife agrees with me and the fact that you have posted these videos convinces me more and more that through Prayer GOD (Good Old Dad) works in mysterious ways.

    At this time I don't want to write a booklet here on Abortion cause sinner vic will want to help and put his Canadian two cents work, "I" mean words which would take too long cause he often goes off on Tangents so instead with your permission at this moment me, myself and iii will add this post of yours on my Facebook page. Longer story shorter, I think that you've told me in so many words in the past that you really are not interested in having a Facebook account and that's OK cause I place all of my post as "Public" so if you believe that I'm too much of an eccentric, I'll certainly remove it. It would take too long for me to explain why I only use "Facebook" and no other forums like Twitter, Instagram, iTunes and whatever else is around.


    Yours Sincerely,

    Victor Savard

    God Bless you and yours

  2. Ha, you're not too much of an eccentric. You're an original! Thanks for the Facebook link, but it's true I don't care to join the social media. If you like I can give you my personal email and we can keep in touch that way. I see you live in Ontario. For some reason I thought you lived on the Atlantic coast, like Nova Scotia.

    Yes, this is an important movie because Abby Johnson's story was earth shattering when it happened. You know she's a Catholic convert. You might want to watch her on EWTN's The Coming Home show. Here:

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. https://aclj.org/pro-life/pro-life-movie-exposing-the-truth-about-planned-parenthood-and-abortion-receives-r-rating-for-violence?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=d-03242019_top-PL_seg-jayfb_con-movie_typ-AR&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Informational&utm_content=Pro-life&sf100173443=1&fbclid=IwAR1CLtMhCGo5-Jk8Pm1_zCfBwRn0WEDLt5hOpmdGCmRU5ox3LbcNtGp1FoA
