"Love follows knowledge."
"Beauty above all beauty!"
– St. Catherine of Siena

Monday, June 17, 2024

Matthew Monday: Father’s Day 2024

Yesterday was Father’s Day and like every year Matthew and I go on a “Father’s Day Adventure.”  As those who may follow my blog should know, this “adventure” is something Matthew and I have done since we adopted him.  The first that I noted this Father’s Day Adventure on the blog was Father’s Day in 2014, which was the first Father’s Day I had the blog.  I explained it all then and described the previous ones.  If you are really interested in reading all the adventures through the years, you can click the “Father’s Day” tag at the bottom of the page. 

This year we had wanted to drive up to Kingston, NY, an Old Dutch town that was attacked and burned by the British during the Revolutionary War.  There are a number of historical sites to see (including the oldest existing intersection in the US!) and has a panoramic view of the Hudson River.  Alas, we didn’t get there.  By the time we got out of Mass, it was almost midday, and it’s about two hours drive one way.  That would have put us on the road for four hours, and Matthew had to get home to study for two finals the next day. 

We changed our minds when we got home from Church and quickly pivoted to plan B, that is, we went to a minor league baseball game.  I know, not much of an adventure, but it couldn’t be helped.  We quickly got tickets to the Staten Island FerryHawks game.  The FerryHawks took over the stadium when the Yankees killed their Staten Island single A team that was situated here. It’s an Independent League team comprised of teams not tied to any major league affiliates.  They probably play at the same level as single A or maybe a little bit better. Independent League teams get players who are not signed by major league teams with the hope of catching a scout’s eye and getting signed. 

There were two ex-major leaguers (at least two, I didn’t recognize anyone else) playing on the FerryHawks.

One was Alejandro de Aza. I remembered him.  He played a couple of years with the Orioles. He’s 40 years old now and still playing. I guess for the love of the game. I can’t see him being picked up by anyone at that age. He did get a couple of hits that day.

The other ex was Pablo Sandoval. He was actually a star third baseman for the San Francisco Giants when he was in his early twenties.  If I remember correctly injuries and a weight problem drove his career into the ground.  He last played in the majors in 2021.  He’s now 37 and I guess hopes to get picked up. He got at least one hit that I remember. I think he was DH. He was not at third.

FerryHawks beat the York Revolution 6-4.

I can’t say it was a big adventure but it was a lot of fun.  I took a few pictures. 

The ballpark overlooks the NYC harbor, and beyond the left field fence, you can see the Manhattan skyline.

Over the right field fence you have a more unobstructed view of the harbor, and here you can see the orange Staten Island ferry going out. 

Finally a picture of Matthew.

I love spending time with my son and nothing better than spending time with him at a baseball game.

Happy Father’s Day!

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